Auburn University’s AMDA, Their Activities & Goals
AMDA (Apparel Merchandising & Design Association) of Auburn University, Alabama and how they are working with the fashion students to shape the fashion world
What is AMDA?
AMDA is a platform available for the students in the merchandising and design majors within the Consumer and Design Sciences Department in the College of Human Sciences. The full form of AMDA is Apparel Merchandising & Design Association. It’s handled by Auburn University. AMDA represents the AMDP (Apparel Merchandising, Design & Production) program on campus and locally through private and public meetings and events. There are group meetings for members throughout the school year along with special events planned by the executive board. AMDA hopes to promote the AMDP students and facility by collaborating with other similar organizations and businesses to put on fashion shows, clothing drives and scholarships. AMDA was created to support and encourage AMDP students in their education and future careers within the apparel industry.
Auburn University’s Apparel Merchandising & Design Association. Source: AMDA Instagram page
AMDA’s Activity:
1. Fashion Event:
Fashion Event by CADS and AMDA. Source: AMDA
In 2011, the newly-formed AMDA, the professional organization for Auburn apparel students, relied on local connections to arrange the premiere Fashion Event. Accessories were borrowed from a vintage shop, a salon in town provided hair and makeup and even venue space was donated to the effort. Everything down to the music – played then on an iPod – was planned with just a $300 budget and students’ drive to succeed.
But at last, with attendance nearing a thousand, the Fashion Event has become widely known as Auburn’s premier creative showcase of student work, connecting apparel students with the industry’s best internships and job placements
Fashion Event by CADS and AMDA. Source: AMDA
And now whoever wants to see unconventional feats of fashion and fresh apparel design are invited to experience The Fashion Event – Auburn University’s premier fashion showcase featuring creations by the next generation of fashion designers and merchandisers. Actually this fashion event is a fashion showcase featuring creations by the next generation of fashion designers and merchandisers.
Year after year, students have said The Fashion Event is an invaluable experience for aspiring apparel designers and merchandisers, offering them the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of a design show before they even graduate. ty. The purpose of the event is to showcase the work of AMDP students demonstrating their creativity, versatility, and capability as future fashion professionals in multiple career paths.
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2. AMDP:
The AMDP program offers two undergraduate options — Apparel Merchandising (APME) and Apparel Design and Production Management (APDP) – as well as Master’s and PhD level opportunities. Auburn’s nationally ranked apparel programs do a great job of preparing the graduates for careers in today’s global apparel industry. An integrated approach to studying apparel throughout the supply chain provides students with the education and experiences to become a valued member of firms throughout the apparel and related industries.
3. “SWATCH” Magazine:
In the fall 2020 semester, officers in the AMDA, created a magazine named “SWATCH”, a student-driven publication. This magazine features original content and innovative designs from Auburn’s apparel students in the College of Human Sciences.
SWATCH magazine by Auburn University’s Apparel Merchandising & Design Association. Source: AMDA
SWATCH magazine boosted morale, encouraged creativity and provided valuable experience for Auburn students amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This magazine has published many blogs within this recent times.
4. Sustainable Course:
AMDA provides a sustainable course which is actually about fashion & sustainability through which student can understand luxury fashion in a changing world & can be aware about maintaining sustainability.
Auburn University’s Apparel Merchandising & Design Association
Future Goals:
1.AMDA wants to build up student network with professionals in the industry which will help them to enrich their practical knowledge. And thus they can create relationships & obviously will be benefitted to lead internships & jobs.
2. They are focused on advancement throughout the graduates’ career. Lifelong learning and transferable skill sets are emphasized.
3. AMDA wants to make “A Healthier U” & already students of AMDA are committed to using repurposed fabric for handmade, fashionable masks. Their target is to sell every mask for $5 and to place the orders by the end of the day.
-Team Members:
1. Tamanna TAbassum
2. Gulshan Ara Tasnim
3. Nazmin Akter Shaila
4. Nashita Ahmed
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