Journey of Fashionnovation
Fashionnovation is an extraordinary platform developed for the fashion loving students of BUTEX by Kazi Farhan Hossain Purba, and it is bound with an aim to bring new ideas & innovations in fashion which will be something out of the box! We are going to take you through the journey of Fashionnovation which is no less than a fairy tale!
Before knowing about Fashionnovation, we need to know at first what fashion means. Actually fashion means a popular trend, especially a styles of dress and ornament or manners of behavior accepted by a large number of people. And the word innovation means the process of coming with new methods, ideas or products. So, Fashionnovation the word stands for newly created designs, concepts or themes which are actually based on the main theme of fashion.
Fashionnovation was established by Kazi Farhan Hossain Purba who is a student of batch 43 of Department of Textile Fashion & Design(TFD) of Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX). Basically, Fashionnovation started its journey on the 7th of July, 2018 by arranging a fashion related quiz competition named “Fashioknowledge Fiesta”. By keeping the main theme or concepts of fashion, Kazi Farhan Hossain Purba and his team Fashionnovation organised competitive quiz competitions, prize giving events for inspiring book reading, Fashion Illustration competition, Fashion related courses, etc. for the textile engineers who are actually intersted in fashion design.
Kazi Farhan Hossain Purba, the founder and president of Fashionnovation is anchoring the final round!
Mr. Kazi Purba said about Fashionnovation, ”There are many meritorious students in the department of Textile Fashion & Design at BUTEX who have keen interest to do something innovative. When I was admitted into this department I perceived that we need a platform by which we can uphold our creative thinkings to the world. And from that realization I arranged “Fashioknowledge Fiesta” with my batchmates & juniors. When I was only in Level-02 Term-01 I started to give contexture of our dream institution Fashionnovation. We had lack of sponsors at the beginning but our thinking out of the box enabled us to overcome those unfavorable situations.”
“Fashioknowledge Fiesta” was a thrilling quiz competition based on the knowledge of the elements of fashion & basic fashion. In that competition there were 6 teams who participated spontaneously & every team consisted of 3 members. Those teams were named Applique, Pallab, Blooming Bud, Invincible, Third Degree Burn and Dream Team. With the combined efforts, love and strong interest of all participants and the active participation of TFD-44, this fascinating intradepartmental quiz competition was organized for the first time in the history of the University. Never before any quiz competition related to fashion was arranged in BUTEX, so it is the first of its kind in the university if not in Bangladesh There were a lot of good wishes and co-operation from all the teachers including respectable Assistant Professor Sutapa Chowdhury madam, Rebeka Sultana and current Head of the Department Md. Mahsmudul Hasan sir.
The competition was devided in many rounds based on some creative & intelligent questions related to fashion. Through competitive fights among those teams, team Applique & team Pallab went for the final & in the final round by keeping difference of 7 points with team Pallab, team Applique won that glamorous competition. The special guest, Ummey Hani Barsha rendered the most expected prize to the winning team,”Team Applique ” and the main part of the event ended with her concluding remarkable speech.
On 26th June of 2019, Fashionnovation published a digital wall magazine named “Rong er Jadukor” for the very first time at BUTEX. And during the pandemic situation of COVID-19, Fashionnovation didn’t sit workless. Kazi Farhan Hossain Purba, the Founder and President of Fashionnovation, took initiatives to arrange “Fashionknowledge Fiesta 2.0” for TFD batch:45. TFD-45 participated there spontaneously. It was also a fashion related quiz competiton and it was the second season of the flagship event of this organization.There were 4 teams consisting of 3 members in each & every team. Those teams named “The Kingpins”, ”SARS”, ”Fuego” & “The Counterfeiterz”.This event was the very first intradepartmental “Fashion related online quiz” event. Again there was no other online fashion quiz related event arranged in the university. Fashionnovation launched it for the first time in the university’s history. In the competition the teams had to face various questions and basic knowledge about fashion. After a hardcore battle between the teams, In the final, team “Sars “became the champion and the team “Fuego” became the runner-up.
After that Mr. Kazi Purba also tried to introduce Fashionnovation with the totally new batch of BUTEX batch-46. Fashionnovation started an online course based on textile printing on 11th May of 2020. Mr.Shawkat Hossain Sohel, chief designer of Unifill Composite Dyeing Mills Ltd., who started teaching the members of Fashionnovation along with its guest members from Chittagong Unviersity, Jahangir Nagar University and Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University all over printing design,digital printing design, chest printing design & pattern design respectively. Mr. Sohel said, ”The fashion designers of our country make many innovative designs by their creative thinkings. But they have not enough knowledge about printing technology & so that they are unable to make a position in apparel fashion.” But he is optimists that the fashion designers will make a place in the international world swiftly. This online course was launched by respected head of TFD, Md. Mahamudul Hasan. And the special guests were Setara Begum, Head of the Department of textile at BUFT & Yesmin Tuli, Lecturer of Fashion Designing at NITER and hosted by .Kazi Farhan Hossain Purba. Batch 44, 45 & 46 of BUTEX participated in this course. And it is a matter of pride that now Fashionnovation is not closed only in the four walls of BUTEX. Because in this recent online printing course, with the students of BUTEX, the students of Chittagong University(CU), Mawlana Bhashani Science & Technology University (MBSTU), Jahangirnagar University (JU), Shanto Mariam University of Creative Technology & BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) are also participating.
After all, by participating in this kind of fascinating competitions, one can easily show his talent in fashion world. And it is a fantastic and great platform for a textile engineers to show his/her creativity, art work and the power of innovation. And ,we can say that Fashionnovation has started its journey not to be stopped at anywhere. And it has started with a dream to create a platform for the students of Department of Textile Fashion & Design to showcase their fashion related works, kindle their passion & love for fashion. So,we can hope that Fashionnovation will create knowledgeable fashion designers as well as textile engineers who will be able to represent Bangladesh to the whole world.
Nashita Ahmed
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX)
Mahmud Hosen
Department of Fabric Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX)
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